Monday 24 May 2010

Ashes to Ashes: There's No Place Like Home

Ashes to Ashes: There’s No Place Like Home

Warning this blog entry contains spoilers

So its been a few days since the last ever episode of Ashes to Ashes was on television, however I didn't get the chance to watch it with moving back home and with the odd jobs to sort out. However luckily I had recorded it on my families sky box and was able to watch it today in stunning HD. I haven't yet watched all of life on mars but I know the story and how it ends, but I have watched all of Ashes to Ashes. While the first and second series was a little off in places, as my Dad said 'in every episode she cries, shouts at the television and ends up drinking' and to be fair he wasn't wrong. However this third series has been allot better, we have gotten allot of character development from the team and its mix of liner narrative with experimental story telling is compelling.

So to sum it up basically when Gene Hunt was younger he was shot and killed, when he died he entered some sort of limo reality for police officers (as far as I understand it) those who have died, or in coma's appear in this reality trying to make them self better or simply hiding from the grim truth their reality is. Alex finally was able to go home when Gene, Ray, Chris and Shaz all undiscovered the truth. They all managed to go home, sadly thought their reality was death (or so we are left to think) and poor Gene hunt is left as the gate keeper of his own reality all alone. All in all a sad ending for everyone. Although it showed them all, had they had a second chance they could have all done well and make something of them self, showing them they had it in them to be great.

I didn't see it coming at all, and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Half way through the episode I saw a link between this and the wizard of Oz. Through the series Shaz learnt to be brave like the Lion. Chris the scarecrow learnt to think for himself. Ray the tin man learnt to use his emotions. And Alex, sweet Dorothy just wanted to go home. In the episode I noticed she was wearing a pair of ruby glittery shoes. I don't know if this was on purpose or me just looking in to it too much, but I don't think the comparison could be missed. Gene Hunt the mighty and all powerful Wizard of Oz, turned out not to be so powerful after all.

Now the series is finished and the BBC has said there will be no more episodes, however I can't help but think in a few years’ times a new team will be next to gene hunt. I also can't help but wonder if this was the ending the writers of the show had always intended. I can only hope so, unlike the makers of Lost who no matter how many times say they always had the ending planned I can't believe. I'm not actually a fan of lost, did anyone watch it? Was the ending any good? Did it leave questions unanswered? Were you happy with it? Overall I'm happy with the ending of Ashes to Ashes, be it a sad ending at least everything is left answered.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, very true, James! Helen here! Just found your blog today. Shame though, that 'Heaven' might be a pub in Manchester...Hey, does that mean living in Manchester we're all dead? Or angels? :P Interesting thought
